Joanna Morrison lives in Perth, Western Australia, with her husband and two sons. Her debut novel, The Ghost of Gracie Flynn was shortlisted for the 2020 City of Fremantle Hungerford Award (under the title Still Dark) and received a WA creative development grant in 2021. Joanna’s short fiction has appeared in literary journals and competition anthologies and has been shortlisted or nominated for various prizes, including the Margaret River Press Short Story Competition and the Pushcart Prize. Joanna has a background in journalism and a PhD in Creative Writing.
- The Ghost of Gracie Flynn, Fremantle Press, 2022 (Shortlisted for the 2020 City of Fremantle Hungerford Award)
Short Stories:
- ‘Night Road to Ceduna’ Westerly 61.2, 2016
- ‘Of the Water’ Joiner Bay and Other Stories, MRP, 2017 (Shortlisted for the Margaret River Press Short Story Competition)
- ‘This Old Thing’ Meniscus, 2018 (Best Prose Piece, nominated for the Pushcart Prize)
- ‘Primitive Gifts’ Westerly 66.1, 2021
- ‘Stay’ Just a Voice and Other Stories, 2021 (Commended in the KSP Spooky Stories Competition)
Academic Articles:
- ‘The Actress and de Beauvoir: Shining a spotlight on Regina in “All Men are Mortal” Outskirts online journal 37 (University of Western Australia, November 2017)
- ‘Dorian’s Look: Jean-Paul Sartre and the Divided Celebrity’ Celebrity Studies 5, no. 1–2 (Routledge, April 3, 2014): 45–58